3-5 Years
Three to five years old
With a 1 :7 ratio for our over threes we provide children with opportunities to take responsible risk and build confidence knowing they are supported by caring adults.
This is an age where children learn to get along with others, build social competence, and confidence in their own abilities. Both Kererū ātea ( 4 year olds) and Tui atea (3 year olds) have time throughout the day to break off and work together in smaller groups. We have planned learning experiences each day, and time for the children to enjoy their own play where they can select where and what they want to participate in. Alongside this we run a "Transition to School" programme for our four year old children (please see separate tab).
We encourage active exploration of the outdoors and inspire our children to help take care of their natural environment, including our produce garden.At Nurserydale Childcare we are inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we offer planned large project work and smaller child-initiated learning activities. Children are alway involved in helping to plan their own curriculum.
We value the New Zealand early childhood curriculum - Te Whāriki and support its vision for children to grow up as "competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society".
Our Values
Nurserydale values the importance of relationships and builds on respectful interactions between children and their educators. The focus of Te Whāriki (the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum) is also on the child and how we value different relationships children can learn from as they grow and develop.