0-3 Years
0 to three years old
At Nurserydale Childcare we believe the first 1000 days of a child’s life are the most important; over the last five years the research and professional development we have completed has led us to supporting each child with one key dedicated teacher. This key teacher will work with a child and their family up until the age of three. Having a consistent key teacher, a child is able to build trust, experience continuity and form a secure relationship. Although each child has a key teacher, the entire 0-3 teaching team is there to support and care for your child.
Our 0-3 age group is divided into two groups 0-2 years Te ōhanga and 2-3 years Manu iti. Around the age of two years old children will move into Manu iti in a cluster with their key teacher (this will happen around January and July each year). In consultation with parents, some children may move out at 22 months and some will stay in Te ōhanga until they are 26 months old.
With this age group, we draw inspiration from the RIE – Resources for Infant Educators, this philosophy is recognised and put into practice all over the world. We have numerous books on the RIE philosophy for parents to borrow from our library.
The basic principles that form this trusting and respectful philosophy…
Providing children an environment that is physically safe, cognitively challenging and emotionally nurturing.
Ensuring children have the time and space for uninterrupted play.
Giving children the freedom to explore and interact with other infants
Involve children in all their care activities e.g. allowing the child to become an active participant rather than a passive recipient.
Sensitively observe the child in order to understand his or her needs
Be consistent, clearly define limits and expectations to develop discipline.
In Te ōhanga we have three teachers supporting 10 children; once they move to Manu iti the group of 10 children is supported by two teachers. Although the two years olds are in the same physical environment as the 3-5 year olds their day is separated out into smaller group times for meals, music, sleep times and special learning experiences.