Our Philosophy
Your child's wellbeing is our number one priority
Nurserydale Childcare is a loving, engaging, and welcoming place of learning for all ākonga (learners) - children, parents & teachers. Everyone is treated with respect, trust and compassion. At Nurserydale we believe that it is only by providing a secure and emotionally satisfying base for children that their learning and imagination will flow.
Nurserydale Childcare acknowledges Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa/New Zealand. It is the basis of our nation’s bicultural heritage and every child has the right to an education that helps them to develop an understanding of the principles of Te Tiriti and our dual heritage.
At Nurserydale we value and work within the NZ Early childhood curriculum framework -Te Whãriki, we recognise the right of each child to experience an empowering curriculum which will enhance their mana and supports them to enhance the mana of others.
We also take inspiration from the Pikler/RIE and Reggio Emilia philosophies and believe RESPECT, the rights of the child, and the strong relationships we build, are crucial in supporting our children to grow into competent and confident learners. Hence, we provide peaceful and consistent ‘education and care' through key teacher relationships for children’s sense of security and well-being.
At Nurserydale we enable mixed aged learning, siblings are always supported to spend time together. Our children are encouraged to learn alongside children older and younger than themselves and we have times set aside during the day for smaller group work.
Nurserydale has been part of the Birkdale community for over 50 years. We are proud of the involvement we have in our community and acknowledge that the wider world of family and community is an integral part of the early childhood curriculum.
Vision Statement
Nurserydale Childcare provides a respectful, peaceful and caring environment where loving, reciprocal relationships underpin all that we do. We believe children learn best when their play and imagination is nurtured in a natural heartfelt way.